Hellllo. Not too many pictures today, but things are going well. Sadly appointments are being offset workwise with it being summertime = vacation time and everyone is à droite à gauche (everywhere- left and right). But we have been visiting with some less actives and recent converts, also trying to figure out times to meet with our amies (if they'll let us,) and we finally got to meet President Staheli. Sadly interviews lasted about 3 minutes because they scheduled Brest interviews last (we happen to live farthest away as well). Oh well, better planning next time. Transfer calls come this Saturday. Fingers crossed I'll stay with Soeur Fricard here, but nothing is definite.We tracted into this little home. 'Bonjour, nous sommes missionaires de l'eglise de Jesus-Christ de Saint de Derniers Jours et nous avons un message par rapport de Dieu.' No response.
Two of the amis who are golden live in this quaint little ville. St. Renan. Soeur Fricard and I went porting there last Wednesday and met a 92 year old woman who wants us to come back today. So we're gonna.
This is a burrito fete that we had for samedi sports. Gooooood times!
Ok that's all for now. I love you all, take care!
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