Sometimes I wonder what exactly I wrote in the last post. "not many, but some" I don't even know what that means! But besides my franticness in writing blog posts, things are going well here in Brest. It's been raining and windy for the past week, which really puts motivation to a hault - people don't particularly like you contacting them in this sort of weather, you might get caught in a surprise hail storm when you can't see 5 feet in front of you, and you will end up -inevitably- soaked to the bone. It's colder here in Brest than it is anywhere else in France. It makes me quite happy that I'm here, you know how I love the heat.
We will get transfer calls in a week and a half. I can't believe it. Fingers crossed, I'll stay. I would like to be here another transfer. We've already started transfer trivia, which is trying to figure out what's going to happen with the 16 sisters for the next transfer. Mini-missionary = out, 2 new Soeurs should be arriving, which means two people will have to train. Soeur Fricard has already trained 2 1/2 times. She doesn't really hope to train again. But we really have no idea what will happen, especially with a new President, who I will be meeting on Friday.
Well, let's get this thing started. There are a lot of photos I will be showing you. Be prepared!Loic took us to Huelgoat, which is a forest outside of Brest and a little ways from Quimper. It was beautiful. There is a stream that runs through it with huge rocks all over the place. We went for a little hike, and we got our feet wet. At the beginning of the trailhead there was a man playing a bagpipe like instrument. We felt like at any moment we might see a fairy pop out.
If you've seen Pride and Prejudice with Kiera Knightley you might recall the Liz on top of the world scene. This was it. Absolutely beautiful. We almost blew away though; it was so windy! I have a video of it, but this will suffice for now. (Also with Loic)
This is the church that isn't far from Loic's parents' home. It's a beautiful little town.
This is at the home of two of the Elders' amis, Sylvie and Bernard, who are golden. They visited Bernard's sister in Utah, who is married to a man who served in the Paris mission several years ago and who he actually converted- I think). When they visited them, they took them to the temple visitors center in St. George. They loved it and a referral came right to the elders. They're wonderful. Soeur Fricard and I got a chance to teach them last Thursday. We're going to porte in their ville tonight.
Soeur Fricard and me doing what we do... wearing the same clothing. We cut up an old dress for our Soiree Tahienne. It was such a fun night. 11 amies total showed up and a less active. We ate poison cru which is uncooked fish- it was delicious which was in coconut milk with lemon juice squeezed on it and with fruits and vegetables. Seriously so good. I also ate some squid, I think. Not as good. But man oh man, it was fun. We learned a tahitian dance and got to watch all the men try to dance. Lovely.
One of the floats in the parade before Le Tour de France which started in Brest. Yes, la vache qui rit or laughing cow cheese.
Elder Schroeder, Soeur Fricard, me, and Elder Ahlstrom waiting for the bicycles to pass. Sadly this event, the actual passing of the bicycles, only lasts for about 20 seconds, and I only have it on video.
The cars before the bicycles. Le Tour de France passed right in front of the church, so we went to check it out. I'll show you the video when I get home. It takes too much time to load on here.This little devil is named Martin. He is 3, Armenian so he speaks half Armenian, half French. And he always demands that we sing hymns. Chantez, Chantez! He says when we come over. I was playing with him while Soeur Fricard talked to Lilia. At one point he started kissing my arm and then my back. Laisse-moi, Martin! Oh man. I've got a three year old admirer.
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