The District Relief Society meeting close to Vanne, France. Check out this area on Googleearth. Brest to Vanne area, absolutely beautiful country side.
Chateau in Vanne with Soeur Fabiano with the relief society.
Morlaix Bridge- Morlaix is our new favorite city. It's a half an hour train ride from Brest, and it is perfectly preserved with adorable little cobblestone streets and ancient homes everywhere.
My delicious birthday surprise. This was tasty, tasty. I didn't connect the dots from questions Elder Bentz was asking yesterday about my favorite fruit and my birthday being the next day. But look at this little baby. They were also making very smoky smells in the kitchen while I wrote emails, and I thought it must be food they were burning. No, they were trying to light the candles. They did not succeed but I blew them out anyway.